Vortragsreihe "Kunst - Forschung - Geschlecht"

Riikka Prattes
Dark Care: Care in the Service of Whiteness
Mittwoch, 17. November 2021
18:00 - 20:00 Uhr
Auditorium, VZA7, Erdgeschoss
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© Julie Wynmor, head Shot Prattes, 2020

What do historical settler-colonial policies of removing children from Indigenous communities have in common with contemporary measures of integrating Afghan men with refugee backgrounds into the German eldercare sector? Highlighting ambivalences and complexities of care and caring, Prattes emphasizes continuities in the way that “dark care” functions in the service of whiteness to stabilize unequal power relations.
Prattes draws on Diana Mulinari and Anders Neergaard’s notion of “inclusive subordination” to argue that colonial patterns of recruiting marginalized (racialized and feminized) folks into the lower echelons of paid care work as care traverses different historical and geographical contexts. In three steps, she discusses (1) an inverted understanding of the positions of care receiver and caregiver that is productive in colonial discourses of help, rescue, and uplift; (2) the usefulness (in the service of whiteness) of the inversion of the caring subject as a form of racial subordination; and (3) how usefulness is undergirded by productivist thinking in this context.

Riikka Prattes is affiliated with the Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies program at Duke University, where she is a co-founder and member of the Revaluing Care in the Global Economy network. Her research foci include critical studies on men and masculinities, the international division of reproductive labor, care ethics, critical race and whiteness studies, decolonial theory, feminist and social epistemologies and embodiment, and affect theory.

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