Working together for Conservation Education in Thailand

20. Juli 2018
From 3rd to 7th September, Gabriela Krist and Bernhard Kernegger visit Silpakorn University in Bangkok to assist in developing its study programme on cultural heritage conservation. The workshops and extensive discussions of Austrian and Thai experts will make an essential contribution to the development of the conservation profession and will add a new fruitful cooperation to the long lasting relations between Austria and Thailand (150 years’ jubilee in 2018).
From A (as in azurite) to Z (as in zinc white)
From 3rd to 7th September 2018 Tanja Bayerova (Institute of Conservation) holds a workshop on natural sciences in painting conservation at Silpakorn University  in Thailand. Silpakorn University aims to develop its conservation study programme. Tanja Bayerova’s workshop shall not only teach the participants but also give an insight in natural sciences in Austrian conservation education as a role-model.